Vultures, skeletons, soldiers and demons

I’ve got more bones to pick with god than vultures in a graveyard. The skeletons in my closet have formed an army battling my mind. These soulless, skinless shells of men still bleed like my own skin, still claw at the questions. They’ll never win.  I’ve got more bullets in my gun than will to... Continue Reading →

Ask the angels to sing me to sleep

Pray for me. To your pagan gods and restless saints, weary from the moving of your lips. Sacrifice your animals, your food, your children. Sprinkle blood like sewing seeds - carefully and everywhere. Pray for me. Chant, dance, medicate. Call upon your ancestors as your feet make clouds in the dust. Let them intercede on... Continue Reading →

This is not my home

I pray in my mother tongue to a God they call Father. I feel like an orphan surrounded by a family I can’t yet call my own – my home. This is not my home. My body is not my home. This body is not my home.

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